Videos has made of all presentations at the 2017 Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts Summit are now available. Check out Dr. Miller’s video here:
Miller shows off at Aggieland Saturday
Dr. Miller had a great time at Aggieland Saturday this weekend, doing demos of groundwater flow and contaminant transport for prospective students and their parents. And, of course, talking about the environmental engineering program, which is nearing the final stage of its approval!
Smith defends dissertation
Congratulations to Dr. Ben Smith for successfully defending his dissertation, Improving Adoption of Aquifer Storage and Recovery in Texas. Dr. Smith starts in his new position at GSI Environmental in Houston.
Miller group and collaborators to present at annual AGU conference
We are pleased to present an exciting roundup of talks and posters at the 2017 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union: Dr. Luiza Aparecido, former Ph.D. student on the Costa Rica project, oral presentation on leaf conductance under wet conditions Ph.D. student Saheli Mujamdar’s poster on optimizing multi-well aquifer storage and recovery Ph.D. student […]
Smith publishes article on feasibility of aquifer storage and recovery in two Texas aquifers
Read the article here. Thanks also to the Texas A&M Library OAKFund for allowing us to make this article open access, meaning anyone in the world can view it for free.
Miller Group’s ASR research featured in College of Engineering news
Check it out here:
Applications open for Summer 2018 Research Experience for Undergraduates in Costa Rica
APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN! Purpose: The goal of this NSF-sponsored REU is to provide undergraduate students with an opportunity to develop essential skills in designing, executing and disseminating original research that quantifies the hydrologic and biogeochemical fluxes in the watershed of a tropical montane cloud forest. Students will have an opportunity to work on field and […]
Dr. Miller discusses managed aquifer recharge post-Harvey with the Texas Tribune
Check out Dr. Miller’s interview with the Texas Tribune on aquifer recharge using storm water here.
Dr. Miller interviewed for Conservation Matters
Read Dr. Miller’s interview in Conservation Matters, the official publication of the Texas Water Resources Institute. It discusses groundwater research needs following Hurricane Harvey.
Merket defends thesis June 28th
Group member Courtney Merket successfully defended her MS thesis, Earth Systems Modeling in the Brazos River Alluvium Aquifer: Improvement of Computational Methods and Development of Conceptual Model. Congratulations Courtney and good luck in your new position at Freese and Nichols!