We are pleased to present an exciting roundup of talks and posters at the 2017 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union:
- Dr. Luiza Aparecido, former Ph.D. student on the Costa Rica project, oral presentation on leaf conductance under wet conditions
- Ph.D. student Saheli Mujamdar’s poster on optimizing multi-well aquifer storage and recovery
- Ph.D. student Jaeyoung Song’s poster on CLM’s performance in tropical forests
- Dr. Gretchen Miller, presenting former M.S. student Courtney Merket’s poster on revision for PARFLOW.CLM for river boundary conditions
- Texas Water Observatory post-docs Aline Jamies and Nandita Guar giving posters on water and carbon budget’s at TWO sites
- Collaborator Dr. Josh Fisher’s oral presentation on a new NASA initiative which includes measurements at the Soltis Center
Hope to see you there!