APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN! Purpose: The goal of this NSF-sponsored REU is to provide undergraduate students with an opportunity to develop essential skills in designing, executing and disseminating original research that quantifies the hydrologic and biogeochemical fluxes in the watershed of a tropical montane cloud forest. Students will have an opportunity to work on field and […]
Watching tropical storm Otto closely…
Current predictions suggest that our site at the Soltis Center is along the path of what may soon be Hurricane Otto! We hope all our friends at the center and their families stay safe! The region is already prone to mudslides and flooding, so 8-18″ of rain in a short time can be quite problematic. […]
Andrews defends thesis on tropical biometeorology
Congratulations and farewell to Ryan Andrews, who successfully defended his thesis The Temporal Variation of Vertical Micrometeorological Profiles in a Lower Montane Tropical Forest. Ryan is joining the consulting firm Halff Associates.
AgriLife highlights new Texas Water Observatory efforts
Led by Dr. Binayak Mohanty, a multi-college (COALS, Geosciences, and Engineering) research team has successfully received a competitive capacity building grant ($1.35 million) from Texas A&M VPR – (Research Development Grant (RDF) for infrastructure development) to design and develop the new Texas Water Observatory (TWO) in the Brazos River corridor. Read More
Soltis Center donor passes
Bill Soltis, donor and eponym of the Texas A&M Soltis Center for Research and Education, has passed away. His generosity made a big impact on our research, and we are saddened by his loss.
Research highlighted in EOS
Graduate student researcher Luiza Aparecido made EOS with her postcard from the field at the Soltis Center site.
txH2O discusses goals for the Texas Water Observatory Network
Texans who will make future decisions about water — legislators, policymakers and water managers — are grappling with the challenge of better understanding the complexities of water within Texas. A group of Texas A&M University researchers is undertaking that challenge through a planned initiative, the Texas Water Observatory Network. Read More
DuMont defends thesis on rainforest hydrology
Congrats to Andrea Dumont for successfully defending her MS thesis, Hillslope hydrological processes in a Costa Rican premontane rainforest: Water supply partitioning using isotope tracers.
Miller, Gou, and Cohen present at AGU
Wrapping up another successful AGU Fall Meeting. Si presented her poster on "Simulating Groundwater-Plant-Atmosphere Interactions in a Semiarid Savanna," REU alumni Leland Cohen presented his titled "Hydrogeologic Processes in a Transitional Tropical Forest," and Dr. Miller presented the results of her and Andrea’s stable isotope work in Costa Rica. Group mascot Graham Miller decided to […]
Miller and collaborators awarded grant to study rainforest
We are excited to announce that our proposal, “Improving Land-Surface Modeling of Evapotranspiration Processes in Tropical Forests” was selected for funding through the Department of Energy Earth System Modeling program. The $760K+ project combines field work at the Soltis Center for Research and Education in Costa Rica with advanced modeling of transpiration in the neotropics. […]